Biomechanical Training Demonstration
If your horse isn’t going right, it could be because he is struggling to use his body correctly. Are you having problems with striding or needing jumping exercises for horses that rush? Or is your horse suffering from stiffness in a particular area? Or perhaps when practising a particular movement? Signs that your horse is not biomechanically proportionate include issues with focus, anxiety, rushing, temperament and leaning on or fighting the contact. Does this sound like you and your horse? If so, this live equine demonstration is perfect for you!.. and your horse!
Demonstration Date & Time
Join Fiona Stuart ex-international eventer for an evening of biomechanical training. Or bring your own horse along to begin solving your very own issues!
When: Friday the 3rd of June, 2022, at 7pm
Where: Provanston Equestrian, Fintry, G63 0LP
Cost: £15 (£8 for under 18’s)
How to Book: Message us to book or text 07736561636 to reserve your space.
1:1 Demo: Bring your own horse or come and watch. Message us to book or text 07736561636.
Horse training and areas Fiona will cover
At this demonstration, the following areas (and more, we are sure!) will be covered
1. In hand horse stretches and physio strengthening
2. Effective lunging for correct movement, muscle development and body control
3. Long reining for muscle rehabilitation, strengthening and straightness
This is set to be a lively, friendly and informative evening. So bring a chair, and horse clothing, in case you want to get involved with hands-on guidance. And if you can’t be there, just let us know and we can orgnaise an online experience for you to follow.
Problems this horse training will help
Biomechanical training, stretching and strengthening help solve a whole host of issues. Often, problems occur due to discomfort or a muscle imbalance.
These can include: riders looking for jumping exercises for horses that rush | horses knocking jumps | dressage consistency issues | nervous, hot or sharp horses | stiffness | problems holding an even / balanced stride | problems with straightness | horses constantly behind the leg | crabbing into jumps | stopping at fences
Many of the things we riders put down as “bad attitude” or a “bad horse” are in fact down to pain, weakness and poor training. Here we want to help right these issues and develop you a new horse!
Fiona’s Experience
Fiona Stuart, was a top international eventer, competing against the likes of Princess Anne, at all the top named events. As such, she was a frequent face in the papers and media. Further, she was the first female to be selected to compete in the then “all-male” Olympic sport of eventing. And if this wasn’t enough, she was also a top competitor on the British Dressage scene.
Today, she is one of Scotland’s best equine biomechanical experts and a riding coach that is still ahead of her game. As such, she has spent many years working with the vet schools rehabilitating horses, and travels the country teaching riders of all abilities, as well as frequenting competition with her competitors.
Benefits of biomechanical training
So, what is biomechanical training of equines? And what are the benefits of correct horse biomechanical strengthening? Well, the answer is tenfold! And this is true, no matter the level of your horse, their ability, or whether you are experiencing particular issues, or not. Yes, with correct equine stretching and strengthening all horses can move up to new, unimaginable levels. So come along and learn this magical art. And, gain an unimaginable understanding of horse training, muscle development and rider enhancement. By doing so, you will be creating a much happier, more relaxed, confident and flexible horse, with a connection on board, you could currently only dream of!
Reduce the chances of injury
Further, horse stretching also helps prevent injuries and muscle wastage while improving overall comfort and health. So this kind of training makes a huge difference, no matter whether you have a hot/sharp horse or a horse that’s behind the leg.
Join us for a fun evening and learn lifelong skills that will open a whole host of possibilities for you and your horse. Because he deserves the best possible quality of life… and so do you!
Message us to book here or text 07736561636 to reserve your space.